Picatinny Arsenal ARDEC Safer Project | Jefferson, NJ Engineering

E2PM is prepared to start on a project for the Picatinny Arsenal ARDEC DETD to provide engineering and environmental services for the ARDEC Safe Armaments Facility for Energetics Research (SAFER) Project located in the Gorge Test Area at the Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey. The ARDEC SAFER Project consists of the construction of an underground explosive test chamber referred to as the SAFER. The project will involve blasting, crushing of rock spoils, hauling rock to two on-site storage areas, construction of the SAFER test chambers, collection of groundwater percolating through the rock, environmental management; such as: stormwater and groundwater monitoring, soil erosion and soil control (SESC) mitigation measures, and management of biological resources, including: invasive plant species, the indiana bat, bobcat, timber rattlesnake, northern copperhead snake and brook trout.

E2PM will be responsible for the delineation of Emergent and forested wetlands identified within the project area, as well as the preparation and submittal of required wetland permits. The presence of Threatened and Endangered plant and animal species listed by the state and federal government within the project area creates unique challenges for the project design. E2PM will be responsible for identifying potential impacts, environmental consequences, and proposed mitigations related to these species.